Guest Editor of Number 96: Laura Denzer

As guest editor of Number:96, one of Laura Denzer’s responsibilities was to develop its theme, dependency. Said Laura in the issue’s editorial, “I come to dependency as the thematic prompt primarily because of its ubiquity and wide interpretive berth, from the seemingly banal to the morbidly curious. It feels relevant.”


Well, it turns out she was right. We have received an overwhelming amount of submissions resulting in one of our largest issues to date. With the help of the Number team, she has carefully curated a set of articles that interpret this topic in ways that are both surprising and exciting. We thank Laura for giving Number writers and readers an opportunity to consider dependency as it relates to transformation of self (Liz Clayton Scofield), family and country (Maria McDowell), arts education and employment (Laura Denzer, Jessica Denzer, Jessi Hamilton), and the power that academic institutions wield (Raph Cornford).


About Laura: Laura Denzer is an artist living in Gainesville, Florida. Through her work she probes perceptions of the ideal in the formation of identity. She received her BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and her MFA from the University of Florida. Her work has been shown here and there. This winter she will attend the Vermont Studio Center Residency. She currently teaches at the University of Florida and Santa Fe College. Her work can be found at